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Signed up members can go directly to the Curriculum links by clicking here.

When the two of us discovered that the same way of eating increasingly plant based way of eating, was the catalyst for significant health transformations in each of us, we concluded that we absolutely must learn as much as possible about why food is so impactful on human health. 

Our quest led us to a year-long thorough grounding in wholefood plant based nutrition from two of America’s most respected plant based educators, Drs Rick and Karin Dina. And our own diets evolved further as a result.

It’s essential to us that we share what we know from our own experiences alongside the knowledge we gained from our studies. This is the purpose of our curriculum.

Our curriculum is available in two formats to ensure that more than one learning style is taken into consideration:

  • An interactive multimedia class entitled The Wonders of Wholefood Plant Based Nutrition the Henry & Henry Way

  • A text-based introductory guide to the benefits of wholefood plant based nutrition in a downloadable PDF

These are freely available on both tiers of our membership, both Premium and Complimentary.

What do we mean by the “Henry & Henry Way”? We’ve realised that without any conscious effort to do so, we have developed our own style. The way we choose and prepare food is what works for us. This doesn’t mean we have a fixed ‘formula’, in fact it’s important that we allow ourselves the space to evolve. Equally it doesn’t mean that we expect others to eat the way we do. There are multiple iterations of a wholefood plant based diet and provided the one you choose is well-managed, it’s highly likely that it will work well for you, and we support these varied approaches.

We also post about food on Instagram or on our Henry & Henry Facebook page. If you already have one of our membership plans, whether Complimentary or Premium Membership, then you can connect a little more closely with us via our closed Facebook group. This is the best place for getting insights and information about wholefood plant based nutrition.

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