Let Us Help!
In Your Own Kitchen is available as part of the Lifestyle Coaching Program. The purpose of it is to guide you to make some of the simple wholefood recipes that we make for ourselves. This may be something simple such as how to make a sauce or dressing without oil, how to make your own plant-based soft cheese, or how to make a dessert with sweetness that doesn't come from sugar.
There is no better place to play with new food ideas than in your own kitchen with your own equipment. We conduct this via Zoom as part of your plant-based nutrition education program, usually from our own kitchen, once you have told us what it is you would like to try to create and we have sent you a list and approximate quantities of the ingredients you will need. Once the call begins, it is all about what you need to do to make a success of the recipe: we will explain every step in as much detail as you need and we will do our best to answer any of your questions.
These are the steps for an In Your Own Kitchen session with us:
Let us know via email what you want to try.
We will send you our calendar so that you can book your live slot.
We will send you a list of the ingredients you will need.
We will connect with you via Zoom at the chosen time and we will guide you through the recipe, leaving you hopefully, with a tasty dressing or sauce or some other creation that you can use for a meal later in the day.
Any questions? Just get in touch and we'll do our best to answer them.