Any of our lunches and classes can be paid for through the means outlined here. Payment can be made in full or the booking can be secured by making a £15 deposit.
The Booking Deposit
We have set up a booking deposit as a means of securing your place for any class, program or lunch. This applies unless otherwise stated in the information provided on the relevant sections of this website. Once this payment is received, your place / time slot is secured, leaving the balance which can be paid at anytime leading up to the event date.
The per person deposit of £15 is non-refundable unless the event is cancelled by us. If you have paid the full amount and need to cancel closer to the date then the remainder will be refunded to you. Please see below for our reasons for choosing to implement a booking deposit.
Payment can be made by direct bank transfer, PayPal or cheque:
For direct bank transfers our details are as follows:
Acc name: Derwenthorpe Wellgood
Number: 25298651
Sort Code: 05-09-94
To pay by PayPal, please enter the following email adress in your PayPal account: along with the amount you are paying.
Payments by cheque can be made payable to Derwenthorpe Wellgood, and sent to our address which will be provided on request.
If you are booking with us, we will want to have contact with you to ensure that you have as much information as you need, and so that we can confirm that any booking payment made by you has been received.
First and foremost for reasons of clarity; it is important that a client knows their booking is secure without the need to pay the full amount immediately.
To ease the discomfort of needing to cancel, sometimes at the last minute.
To contribute towards any costs we may have already incurred as a result of a booking.
To contribute towards any loss of income we may experience resulting from a place / time slot being booked but not attended.